Law of Attraction – LOA
Universal Laws are the laws which govern everything in the Universe. The Law of Attraction is one of the most popular Universal Laws which states that we have the ability to attract into our lives whatever we focus on the most. In other words, our thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions give out energies which attract similar energies. What you focus on is what you bring into your life.
The Law of Attraction is Universal – all of us use it all the time. It is just that we are unaware of the dynamics working in the background. We have more than 60,000 thoughts a day (actually more than 70,000!) but are unaware of most of our thoughts. The thoughts that we consciously and subconsciously focus on the most are the ones which get manifested as our reality. (You may like to check my earlier post “Understanding the Human Mind”)
Law of Attraction became very popular with the book “The Secret”. The book talks about the three steps to manifesting:
- Ask
- Believe
- Receive
While these three are key steps to manifesting, it is important to keep in mind that at a deeper level Law of Attraction (LOA) is not attracting or manifesting what you want, rather it is more of manifesting what you ARE, the vibrational energy that you are emitting. Let us unpack these steps a bit.
- ASK.
Clarity, intention and focus are very important. Be very clear about what you want. Ask what you want, not what you don’t want. The Universe takes your intentions literally. It does not differentiate between good and bad or positive and negative. It simply responds to whatever vibration or energy is being transmitted. Whatever signals you send is what you attract.
We are mostly used to unconscious thinking. Practice conscious thinking. Become more deliberate and intentional in what you think. Every single thought is contributing to create your reality. What thoughts would you want converted into your reality? A common refrain is that we cannot control our thoughts. Yes, thoughts do tend to come uninvited but we have the choice to either engage with the thought or ignore it. Ignore negative thoughts. Every time you have a negative thought consciously think a positive thought, an empowering thought. Focus on what you desire.
Manifesting happens at two levels – the Conscious level and the Subconscious level. If at a Conscious level you focus on attracting money, but at a Subconscious level, you have a strong limiting belief – e.g. that money is evil (which you may or may not be aware of), then it will be very difficult to manifest more money by just asking for it. You need to BELIEVE that you deserve the money for manifestation to happen. You will have to work on changing these limiting beliefs to those of being deserving, worthy and good enough.
The other aspect of “Believe” is the expectancy – you have to be completely confident that it will be manifested. Trust the Universe that what you desire will come to you. Hold on to this trust and expectancy.
Like attracts like. The frequency you tune into is the radio station that will play on the radio. Tune into receiving by practicing gratitude, love, joy. Practice feeling as if you have already manifested what you desire. Tune into the joy, the delight, the peace, the love and the gratitude. The Universe loves love and gratitude and returns it manifold.
One hidden block with receiving which is often overlooked is that at times we are convinced about what we want to manifest and even believe that we deserve it – but there is a deep subconscious fear of actually receiving it. You may want your dream job but at the same time apprehensive about the targets and high expectations that would come along with it. This is like placing an order for an expensive car but hesitating to take delivery because you are scared you may dent it. Open your heart to receiving what you want without any reservations.
The Law of Attraction has always been in play and will continue to shape our reality. Being aware of how the Universe manifests and the role our thoughts play in creating this reality are powerful insights we can use to manifest what we desire.
You can use the principles behind the law of attraction to improve almost all aspects of your life – be it attracting abundance and prosperity, manifesting healthy and loving relationships, improving mental and physical health, increasing your self confidence and much more. More about the tools used to harness the LOA in my upcoming posts.
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Love and light